The film is directed by Kushan Nandy and produced by Ashmit Kunder as one of the producers. The cast of the movie stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui along with Bengali actress Bidita Bag in the lead role. The movie also stars Divya Dutta, Murli Sharma, Jatin Goswami, Shraddha Das, Anil George, Jeetu Shivhare and Bhagwan Tiwari.
On the other hand, the lead actress Bidita Bag told Hindustan Times why Chitrangdha Singh backed out from the lead role, “I don’t know the exact reason why she left the film but Chitrangada, in past, has done intimate scenes onscreen. So this could not be reason to leave the film midway because as an actor you get the idea of your character when director narrates the film script to you,”
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